To call your Representatives:

Step 1: Call the Congressional switchboard at (202) 224-3121
             Press "2"
             Enter your zip code to be connected to your Representative

Step 2: Once you are connected, say:
        "Hello, my name is ______________. As a constituent, I strongly oppose HR 620. Please do not discriminate against people with disabilities because businesses choose to violate long-established law.

         There are more than 56 million people with disabilities in the U.S. who risk losing access to places of public accommodations if this bill becomes law. This includes our veterans, police officers, and firefighters who sustained disabilities while serving our country.

                Places they may be denied access include everywhere from department stores to cafes, from doctors' offices to movie theaters. If HR 620 passes, it will set back civil rights by 27 years. Please oppose HR 620."

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a copy of the bill

Click here to download the Sample Phone Script

No on HR 620

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a Sample Letter

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Talking Points